Surgery Shelter

Date: 2019/11/8    Views:    

The container-size surgery shelter is available as two side expandable, one side expandable or non-expandable system. Operation room Class II. Space according to requirements, up to two patients at the same time in the two-side expandable system. Air-conditioning system and Laminar flow with filter systems and UV lights for medical cleanness, scrub with touch-free tap, medical gas solutions, medical equipment storage and fixation (e.g. operating table, operating light, anesthesia machine, etc.)


Address: No.6, Shifo Road, Jieshi Town, Ba’nan District, Chongqing, P.R.C.
Postcode: 401346
Tel: +86-23-61963340
Fax: +86-23-61963409
Contact: Ms. Tang: +86 -18702390053

  • CCSE

Copyright: Chongqing Crossmobil Special Equipment Co., Ltd,

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